The annual cycle guidance

In our “modern” times, many things may be easier than in the past. But unfortunately, we are also increasingly losing touch with the natural course of the year and the energies and their changes in the annual cycle. Yet it is precisely this connection that can give us so much strength.

At a glance
  • You’re somehow missing the connection to the course of the year
  • You miss the natural structure, the natural course of the seasons
  • You want to consciously connect with yourself and the energies of Mother Nature
  • You are ready to seize the opportunity to rediscover the connection to your roots
Offer placeholder
  • The complete annual cycle
  • For a whole year
  • Energy field for each station
  • Entry possible at any time
1168 Euro

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Everything you need to know about the annual

  • Nowadays
  • The year
    The Celtic year
  • One year
    The course of nature
  • My offer
    The annual cycle
  • Procedure
    This is how it works
The “modern” person

All too often, we forget where our roots lie in our air-conditioned offices and the same old working hours. Where our life force comes from and how we need to use it to stay healthy and vital.

Yet the universe offers us so many opportunities to develop and stay mentally and emotionally healthy through its natural course. We only need to follow the course of the year carefully to know what needs to be done or not done at what time.

Unfortunately, we find this difficult today if we do not consciously connect with the annual cycle and its energies time and again. And that’s exactly what this offer from me is all about for anyone who wants to use the energy of the annual cycle consciously and purposefully.

Not just what you see

The difference between the seasons is not just in the temperature, the amount of sunshine we get, or the number of plants that are growing or not.

These are the superficial things, the things we observe in passing. We even notice this when we’re fully adjusted to our air-conditioned office job. Even if it’s just the choice of clothes in the morning.

But there is more. Much more. These superficial observations do not include the most important aspects. Because it’s all about energy. The quality of life energy that Mother Earth provides us with every day.

And this changes dramatically over the course of the year. The energy quality of our environment is constantly changing, and not by chance. This follows a pattern.

Each phase of the annual cycle resonates with other parts of ourselves and allows us to vibrate in perfect harmony with our surroundings.

This inevitably leads to a deep understanding of the laws of the universe and thus to a deep basic trust in the course of things. Everything – including us humans – has its place and fulfills a deep purpose.

Ultimately, this gives us all the security and vitality we need. We just have to learn to accept and use it again.

During all transitions, the boundaries to the spiritual world are thinner and more permeable than usual. These transitions are a kind of no man’s land, at these times the beings of the spiritual world visit people and people gain easier access to the other side.

Wishes and thoughts manifest themselves more easily than at other times. Even “modern people” would do well to remember these transitions and make targeted use of them. This makes many things easy that previously seemed difficult.

Not just what you see

The difference between the seasons is not just in the temperature, the amount of sunshine we get, or the number of plants that are growing or not.

These are the superficial things, the things we observe in passing. We even notice this when we’re fully adjusted to our air-conditioned office job. Even if it’s just the choice of clothes in the morning.

But there is more. Much more. These superficial observations do not include the most important aspects. Because it’s all about energy. The quality of life energy that Mother Earth provides us with every day.

And this changes dramatically over the course of the year. The energy quality of our environment is constantly changing, and not by chance. This follows a pattern.

Each phase of the annual cycle resonates with other parts of ourselves and allows us to vibrate in perfect harmony with our surroundings.

This inevitably leads to a deep understanding of the laws of the universe and thus to a deep basic trust in the course of things. Everything – including us humans – has its place and fulfills a deep purpose.

Ultimately, this gives us all the security and vitality we need. We just have to learn to accept and use it again.

During all transitions, the boundaries to the spiritual world are thinner and more permeable than usual. These transitions are a kind of no man’s land, at these times the beings of the spiritual world visit people and people gain easier access to the other side.

Wishes and thoughts manifest themselves more easily than at other times. Even “modern people” would do well to remember these transitions and make targeted use of them. This makes many things easy that previously seemed difficult.

The annual cycle

People have known certain fixed points for a long time, such as the times of the summer and winter solstices or the spring and autumn equinoxes. Logically, they were the same for everyone because they were oriented directly to the position of the sun.

Everything else was probably fluid and people’s sense of time was not as strictly linear as we are used to. The stories and fairy tales from the Otherworld still show us this today. One day can last many years or many years can last one day.

Time was almost certainly seen as circular, as a perpetual sequence of becoming and passing away. There was no beginning and no end. There was only the cycle of the year and its energies, to which life and death were also subject, and man anyway.

The accompaniment

Imagine having a companion by your side all year round to help you in the right places. Who holds you when things get demanding, but doesn’t restrict you when you’re coping on your own.

Imagine you have one of these and it works so discreetly that you don’t even see it. Then take a look at my offer below.

Completely from a distance

I accompany you energetically! You don’t have to come to me and I don’t have to come to you. The spiritual plane knows no spatial dimension.

You will receive instructions and important information about what it is about and what you can do in good time before each station in the annual cycle. During the Rauhnächte, there is even a guide for each night that guides you step by step through this important time.

And – this is the core of my offer – I pack you into an energy field that provides you with optimal personal support. That offers you protection when you are vulnerable, that gives you power when you need power or calm when you need calm.

This energy field will be like a personal companion that is there for you, but does not impose itself on you. This energy field will exist for just under two days and one night at each of the annual festivals. On all 16 nights of the Rauhnächte.

You don’t need any previous knowledge, but it doesn’t hurt either.


You can start at any time and then go through an entire annual cycle.

Before each of the annual festivals and before each of the Rauhnächte there will be some general information and you will then receive an email for each of the days and nights with information, suggestions and instructions for the upcoming night or day.


Book your annual cycle accompaniment

I need some more information from you for us to get started. Specifically your address, for the peace of mind of the accounting department, as well as your telephone number in case the email technology goes on strike. Your data is safe, I won’t pass any of it on. More information about this can be found in the privacy policy. Payment is made in advance. You can transfer in euros or US dollars or pay by crypto.

Contact me via the contact form or simply