Deeper Mind Empowerment
Are you living a life that doesn’t really seem to be YOUR life? Are you stuck in endless loops of the same old problems, seemingly without any influence on things? Do you keep getting “screwed” by the same kind of person? Do you come from a destructive, perhaps even narcissistic family environment? Are your parents narcissists? Or your (ex)partner? Or your boss? Do you feel you have no way of improving your situation? Does everything always come back to the same result? Then let us help you!
You are ready to really live YOUR life now
You are ready to end the endless loops of ancestral themes and beliefs
You are ready to go deep into the level of energy
You are ready to walk a path with me that you cannot yet see
Powerful toolbox for your individual path
incl. Personal clearing
incl. Ancestor clearing
incl. Chakra work
Duration approx. 8-12 months
We’ll sort everything out. Contact me
What you get
You go into YOUR life with full personal responsibility.
You put an end to external control through inherited ancestral themes or adopted patterns of behavior.
You transform or end destructive (energetic) relationships.
You recognize your boundaries and learn how to define, communicate and defend them.
You recognize paths where before there was only despair and a dead end.
You will never let anyone “take the piss” out of you again.
How does Deeper Mind Empowerment work?
Who are YOU?Who are YOU?
The basisPersonality
What it’s all aboutDeeper Mind Empowerment
What is includedThe process framework
From a distance?How it works
How long?This is how long it takes
ImportantPlease read
Who are YOU?
The answer to this question will solve a lot of your issues in one fell swoop
Because it is the basis of everything!
No matter where you are in life. Whether at the bottom or the top of society or somewhere in between.
You are only truly happy when you know who you are, when you stand in YOUR position and live YOUR life.
Not that of others, that of expectations, that of the family, that of society, not the life “that’s just the way you live” or that you just happened to fall into.
Be who you are
Of course, everyone is talking about personal development, there are countless methods and they are all helpful in their own way, no question about it. But many of them remain purely on the material level, i.e. in the mind and psyche. That’s not wrong in itself, but unfortunately it’s only half the battle.
After all, we humans are not machines created by chance from amino acids, but spiritual beings who have incarnated in this material world with the full intention of … well, what actually? … to do.
And this “what actually?” is what personality development is all about. It is about recognizing all parts of yourself and bringing them fully into life.
Which is sometimes not so easy, because very few of us have been able to develop to our full potential from birth. And so we often spend half our lives muddling along, not knowing what we are made of and what we are here for.
Until we start to feel more and more like we’ve reached a dead end or are about to hit the wall health-wise. And then the question of all questions arises:
Deeper Mind Empowerment?
Just a nice term?
It’s about who you are when you live your full potential.
That’s exactly what this part of my work is about and that’s why I call it Deeper Mind Empowerment. Because it is coaching, but based on shamanic-energetic techniques, with which we go much deeper together and no longer work purely on the material level of the mind, but much deeper, on the spiritual level. On the level where we come from.
Always according to the motto “you can’t solve a problem at the level at which it arose”. So let’s take a step back and approach it from the spiritual side.
I have developed the “Deeper Mind Empowerment” toolbox for precisely such topics. Let’s work together to remove all these “rubber bands” that have always pulled you back when you wanted to move forward.
The core of this process is to bring you into your own power so that YOU can actively change your life. Including your environment.
How does this work?
The large toolbox
Deeper Mind Empowerment is a toolbox within a process framework. With the help of these tools, we generate the development path that optimally supports you.
You have to be aware that finding yourself is not something you can do in one or two sessions – it is an intensive process that we go through together.
It’s not always cuddly and nice and sweet either. You will look at parts of yourself that surprise you, that scare you, that are unfamiliar.
You will work on topics that you have never seen before and it will be exhausting. You will go deep into your ancestral lineage, you may get to know past lives of yours, you will root yourself and connect. You will see your shadows, you will overcome your fears and perhaps you will also cry.
And you won’t know exactly where your path will take you beforehand. If you knew that, you wouldn’t need me! But it will be worth it, because in the end it’s YOU!
The whole process runs remotely, so it is completely flexible from where you participate. My clients are spread all over the world. More about this under: My way of working …
From a distance?
How can this work remotely?
Work on the spiritual level can easily be done from a distance, as the spiritual world has no spatial dimension.
That could take forever
And how long does such a process take? If you could say that so precisely in advance. Of course, it depends on how quickly you want to go down this path and how many obstacles we have to overcome along the way.
Some people do it in six months, others take a year. The important thing is THAT you go your own way. I will accompany you if you like.
Please read this carefully!
Before any misunderstandings arise here … YOU are going this way. I accompany you, guide you, help you, hold you when things get wobbly, give you the tools you need and sometimes push you in the right direction.
You don’t have to buy a pig in a poke!
So that you can get to know me and my work, you don’t have to decide on the whole package straight away. You are welcome to book the starter package first and THEN decide if you want to go through the Deeper Mind Empowerment process.
Only then will it be clear whether the toolbox contains the ideal tools for you or whether you need something completely different.
Non-binding enquiry
You don’t have to buy a pig in a poke, normally our work starts with the entry-level package. Write to me about what you’re interested in and we’ll find the right path for you together. By submitting the following form, you are merely making first contact. You’re not booking anything yet, it’s just an enquiry. Or simply send me an email.