Gerhard Zirkel

HB-Männchen reloaded …

Who else knows it? The HB male? Admittedly, it has been a long time since a cigarette brand was able to advertise like this on television.
Gerhard Zirkel
Gerhard Zirkel
Who is about to blow up?

For those who don’t know, the HB man was a cartoon character who advertised the HB cigarette brand from 1957 to 1984.

The HB male’s trademark was that he “blew up” at every opportunity, getting so excited that he flew away. The solution in the commercials was always to smoke an HB cigarette … The interested reader can find almost all of the old commercials on youtube.

Well, I wouldn’t recommend the cigarette solution at this point. But the principle is interesting.

This HB male exists quite often and if you are honest with yourself, you have to admit that you are one too from time to time.

Someone says something, or does something or is simply present and we are immediately at 180.

In the private sector

In our private lives, we generally avoid such people and surround ourselves with people who are “on the same wavelength”. It also works well, apart from the immediate family.

This, on the other hand, is often tough because you can’t avoid it. Sometimes all it takes is for “mom” or “dad” to appear on the phone screen and we are completely different people.

They fall into patterns of defiance or anger and seem to have no chance of changing this. Our closest relatives in particular always find the right buttons to push that send us into a helpless rage.

Such situations sometimes drag on for decades and not even the death of the relative in question brings a solution.

At work or in business

But what is it like at work or as an entrepreneur? Here, too, we rarely decide for ourselves who we work with. We get a team in front of us and we have to work with them. Objective and efficient.

Or we have to get along with our customers, and preferably with everyone.

We are professionals, we can do it. If it wasn’t for that stupid kreutzbirnmaumzefix….. guy who gets everything, really everything! gets the wrong idea. What’s more, he doesn’t work efficiently and doesn’t express himself precisely. And anyway, his ties are the worst thing … you could get upset. Upset!

And the boss is an ass… what he allows himself! In what tone he actually speaks to us. Not with me at all, no, rather how he treats colleague xyz. And she doesn’t even realize it. I could get upset about that. Get excited!

Or that one customer who always, really always, has a dozen more questions before he doesn’t buy after all. Or maybe it is. Or rather not. Or maybe he did, but he had one more question first …

Do you feel your energy drain just reading this? Where is she going? Not in the work and the result of the team and you won’t get the job either.

Such constellations have already caused entire teams to implode and prevented major projects. Not because there was a problem at a technical level or because something important was missing. No, simply because the team didn’t seem to “get along”. Or the boss not with the team, or the team not with the boss.

And there seems to be absolutely nothing we can do about it!

Sure, there are training courses that show us how to react and we can practise this to a certain extent. Bending ourselves, hiding behind masks, forcing ourselves not to react. But how much life energy that consumes!

It’s not our fault if we’re always being put in the team like this. And we then have to work with them. That CAN’T work.

What is really happening here?

Seen from the outside? What is going on here?

Is the colleague’s weird tie really a problem? Is the boss’s treatment of colleague xyz really our construction site? Is the colleague really working inefficiently and should we even care? Is that the case?

Is the customer with the many questions really a pain in the neck? Or is that just what we get?

Why does that trigger us so much?

And with this question we are already at the solution. With the question: “Why does that trigger US like that?”. It’s like a switch we have inside us and certain people seem to know it. And they keep pressing on it and we blow up every time. Like the HB male. Except that a cigarette doesn’t help us at all.

This switch is the sticking point. Where does it come from and why is it there? Finding out is the way to the solution. The causes of these switches, which are nothing more than automatic reaction patterns, often lie very deep. And they lie on levels that rarely have anything to do with our current everyday lives.

They lie in our childhood, often even in our ancestral lineage or even in earlier incarnations. Which is why it is so difficult to find them. First of all, we have to recognize that these switches exist and that it is not the other person’s “fault”. Then we have to go on a search and that practically always leads us to levels that we can hardly reach on our own.

In places that we often don’t want to see ourselves because they hurt. Because they are exhausting. Because they are in the dark. Often for so long that we can’t even consciously remember it. At the end of the day, it is the path to ourselves that we have to take. But it is worth it, this path. It is worth it.

When are you leaving?

All of this is solvable. These trigger points can be detected and resolved. There are often layers of conditioning, automatic behavior patterns and destructive beliefs that separate you from yourself and your true essence.

They keep throwing you off center and make you vulnerable to all those people who consciously or unconsciously know how to push your buttons and make you lose control.

Changing this is a process that I am happy to accompany you through. We always start with the introductory session, after which we see where the path leads and how we can walk it together.

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